Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus mas) JULIUSZ


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Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus mas) JULIUSZ
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 130cm |
Pot | 2l |
Sell as | 1 year old |
Ripening time | August |
The standard delivery time for Austria is 2-3 working days.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: Cornus mas
'Juliusz' is a registered Polish variety of Cornus mas, which is distinguished by its early ripening, high fertility and excellent hardiness. Its uniform ripening over a short period of time makes harvesting easy and efficient, and the fruit falls off naturally when ripe.
This variety is characterised by its vigorous growth and exceptional health, making it one of the easiest and most reliable fruit varieties. It is particularly suited to colder areas with a shorter growing season, where it can thrive without problems and produce stable yields.
The fruit of the 'Juliusz' variety is medium-sized, weighing on average 3,5-4,5 g. Its quality and flavour make it suitable for a variety of processing methods, ranging from direct consumption to the production of jams, syrups and liqueurs.
Thanks to its characteristics, 'Juliusz' is the ideal choice for growers looking for a reliable, healthy and highly productive drienek suitable for a variety of climatic conditions.